Hegel lectures by Robert Brandom, LMU Munich
The philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel is a major focus of Robert Brandom’s work. Brandom makes Hegel’s thought accessible to analytic philosophy by developing a semantic interpretation of the “Phenomenology of Spirit”. In his Munich lectures, Brandom is going to present new texts on the “Introduction” of Hegel’s Phenomenology for the first time. Conference host: Society “Conceptions of Reason. Justification and Critique” (cooperation of Chair II for Philosophie, LMU Munich, Prof. Axel Hutter, and Center for Advanced Studies, Munich – Research Fellowship Dr. Omri Boehm)
Categories: Uncategorised
Tags: bacchanalian revel, critique of representationalism, experience of error, hegel, Phänomenologie, Phenomenology of Spirit, reality, Robert Brandom, Second, true object", Truth