ON TAP: Presented by FCSI, The Americas
Welcome to a brand-new season of On Tap by FCSI TheAmericas, with your host, Wade Koehler, ExecutiveDirector. Over the last 43 episodes, we’ve had a blastgetting to know consultants from all over the countryand beyond. But we’ve also heard your feedback and, foronce, we’re listening to it. So for Season Three, we’reslowing things down a bit and moving to a bi-weeklyformat to give you a chance to catch up with any pastinterviews you may have missed.But never fear! Season Three is the same show as ever:same format, same great interviews with top foodserviceconsultants… and yes, you’re still stuck with Wade. But nowyou have an extra week to recover.You’re welcome.So thanks for being here! We’ve got another great lineupthis season, and we can’t wait for you to be a part of thefun. Be sure to subscribe to the On Tap podcast on all ofyour favorite platforms so you don’t miss anything! Andas always… Cheers!
Categories: Business
Tags: association, consulting, Design Consulting, FCSI, Foodservice, Foodservice Industry, Operations Consulting