Final Frontiers Radio Show
Spotlighting inspiring missionary endeavors around the WORLD. Our mission statement since our beginning in 1986 has been: “Through the funding of national and native preachers, we endeavor to effectively advance the Gospel where it has never been preached before.” We don’t play at missions. We are serious, career missionaries, who have given our time and abilities to reach the tribes and nations that are primarily closed to us – by supporting the men who God already has in place – helping them evangelize and train others. It is our hope that you too, whether missionary, pastor or layman; whether church, bible study group, individual or family, will help us help them. We fully believe that we can present the gospel to every man, woman, and child alive in our lifetime – if enough of you join with us to accomplish that goal.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: finalfrontiers, missions