Wild Heart Meditation Center
Wild Heart Meditation Center’s podcast offers an assortment of talks given on topics as they relate to Buddhist practice. Wild Heart teachers Andrew Chapman & Rev. Mikey Noechel, along with other group facilitators share their experience with Buddhist practice, specifically offering practical teachings and instructions for our everyday, ordinary, lives.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality, Society & Culture
Tags: 10% happier, Against the Stream, Against the Stream Nashville, buddha, buddhism, buddhist geeks, dave smith dharma, dharma, Dharma Punx, george haas, heartfulness, Joe Rogan, joseph goldstein, josh korda, meditation, mindfulness, noah levine, Psychology, Rebel Saint Dharma, Rebel Saint Meditation Center, recovery dharma, refuge recovery, secular buddhist, sharon salzburg, spirituality, tara brach, therapy, vipassana, Wild Heart, Wild Heart Collective, Wild Heart Meditation Center