Online Church – Church Of Truth And Spirit
About Our Kingdom The 100 king Nation/Empire/Kingdom is a dynasty which stems from a united brotherhood of kings who rule with their own families and followers to building in true righteousness. A brotherhood that fight beside one another regardless of any religious belief but believing commonly in our one creator who created earth, the universe and all life. Our Mission & Goal Our mission is to set the captives free from mental, physical and spiritual slavery given by man. Also by first letting them know and teaching them that they are kings. As well as equipping them with the sword of the word ( true knowledge, wisdom & understanding ) to strike back at their enemies in order to defeat them.Our goal is to defeat fraud against aboriginals by tearing down the non-aboriginals system which is against aboriginals and create a new system throughout this current nation that will better families and neighborhoods which will secure and protect our true past in books, mind, spirit and heart that will build upon the dynasty. [itunes pic]
IUIC Hebrew Israelites & Kendrick Lamar king Stevian Coming 4 U HUMBLE.
[IUIC Hebrew Israelites & Kendrick Lamar king Stevian Coming 4 U HUMBLE.]
Categories: Religion & Spirituality