Can We Talk About It Later Podcast
No one likes to talk about death but avoiding the conversation will not change the outcome. You too will die one day. Every Sunday join E. Smith, Funeral Director, Embalmer and Death Positive Enthusiast as she initiates conversations about everything from,”What to do when someone dies” to “Can a corpse really sit up?” Whether death is a topic that makes you uncomfortable or one that piques your curiosity, tune in to, Can We Talk About It Later? The Podcast, where real conversations about death and dying will have a meaningful impact on your life.
Categories: Health & Fitness, Society & Culture
Tags: africanamerican, bereavement, burial, canwetalkaboutitlater, casket, cemetery, conversation, conversations, coping, corpse, cremation, dead, death, deathblog, deathcafe, deathpodcast, deathpositive, deathrights, depression, DNR, donotresuscitate, dying, Estateplanning, eulogy, fearofdeath, funeral, Graveyard, greenburial, grief, honor, hospice, Insurance, interviews, life, loss, memorial, militaryhonors, Pain, planning, Podcast, restinpeace, RIP, Rituals, service, suicide, taboo, terminal, tombstone, traditionalfuneral, urn, will, writinganobituary