Random musings about gaming, technology, and whatever else. Recorded entirely on our lunch break.
This is episode 6 of the Do Not Want podcast, special contest edition!
Luke is back for the latest episode of the Do Not Want podcast. Here are some notes from the show:
– The X-box 360 keyboard is coming out soon. mgroves.com had mentioned a leak about this back in November, 2006.
– The Halo 3 Beta now has dates: May 16th to June 7th.
– Joe is signed up for the Joost Beta, which actually has some decent channels on it.
– Check out the latest DO NOT WANT list. What else should be on there?
Contest Details
This is the first ever Do Not Want Xbox Live Achievement Points Challenge. All you have to do is send us your gamer tag. You can send it any number of ways:
– Email any one of us at webmaster@mgroves.com, dreadhead@jards.com, or lbusler@50pixelsofevil.com.
– Email is the preferred method, but you can also just leave a comment below if you want to. Your gamer tag is all we really need, but your name and email address would be useful too.
– If you don’t leave a comment below, just leave a comment on one of our blogs: mgroves.com, The Daily Priapism, or 50 Pixels of Evil.
– If you don’t want to do any of the above…well, uh, smoke signals? Carrier pigeon? Whatever–just get us your gamer tag somehow!
Once we have all the gamer tags, at 5pm on April 16th, we will take a snapshot of your current achievement points. We will take another snapshot on May 1st, 2007. The gamer who has gained the largest amount of points in the meantime will be the winner!
– The first place winner is guaranteed to receive a 3 Month Xbox Live Gold membership for you to use or to extend your current membership.
– There are no other prizes for sure at this point (this is only the first contest after all), but we will definitely try to throw something else in for the 1st-3rd place winners. Authographed pictures, or CDs of our podcasts, or other equally worthless material. Got something you want to give away? Used carpets, old toasters, some pocket lint? Contact us!
You are free to enter the contest after the April 16th start date, but no entries will be excepted after May 1st at 5pm. Cuz that’s when the contest ends. Duh. Please email one of us if you have any questions at all so we can supply additional confusion.
Categories: Uncategorised