Remotely Curious
Remotely Curious from Dropbox asks all the questions about hybrid, remote, and as we call it, Virtual First work. We’ll talk with a professional rituals designer about how to revitalize your work from home routine. We’ll interview a friendship expert about how to stay connected to your work besties, even when you’re apart. And we’ll dive into tricky topics, like how to manage Zoom dysmorphia and handle office inequities. Whether you’re working from home, commuting to the office twice a week, or just… remotely curious, stick around for smart tips and relatable stories about the new working reality.
Categories: Education, Society & Culture, Technology
Tags: Bodies, boundaries, commute, dropbox, Etiquette, inequities, loneliness, Motivation, office, organization, remote working, Rituals, virtual first, wfh, work, Work From Home, working remote, zoom