Chiron in Gemini – My Mind, Body & Soul Healing Journey
Mayra Leal – former actress, now flight attendant is on a quest to find deeper meaning and understanding of herself and the human condition. Unbeknownst to her, she began her healing journey when she said “yes” to drug and alcohol recovery 7 years ago. She’s since become more aware of herself and has began to remember who she is – a divine, magical, majestic, POWERFUL, co-creating being. There’s been challenges and dark moments along the way, but they’ve ultimately led her back to center, back to self. Chiron in Gemini is an opportunity to highlight that healing is possible. That our bodies are constantly informing us of dis-regulation and that we ultimately possess all the tools and answers within to live a more full and authentic life. Her open and honest conversations with astrologers, energy healers, alternative medicine doctors, cacao ceremony practitioners, kambo practitioners, ayahuasca shamans, etc provide tons of unconventional yet valuable information on healing the mind, body, soul. The intention: to further her own healing, allow the Universe to experience itself through her and hopefully inspire others to embark on a similar path. As Ram Dass famously quoted: “We’re all walking each other home.” With love & gratitude.
Categories: Arts
Tags: evolving, innergrowth, introspection, selfacceptance, SelfHealing, selflove, selfreflection, Sobriety, Transformation, yoga