Business Outlaws
Teaching young entrepreneurs the mindset and tools necessary to become millionaires, with Business Whisperer Chris Collins and Cannabis Nutrient King Michael “BigMike” Straumietis.
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Filmmaker Kevin Smith joins the Outlaws this week for a wide-ranging conversation that touches on everything from heart attacks to his friendship with Jason Mewes to the time he spent a couple of hours on the toilet reading what would become an Oscar-winning screenplay.
Kevin Smith’s 25-year career as a director started with his self-financed cult classic “Clerks,” which introduced the world to the iconic characters Jay and Silent Bob. Smith brings the slacker duo back to the big screen for the first time in 13 years for his latest feature “Jay and Silent Bob Reboot.” The new film features another familiar co-star: his daughter Harley, who he said has really helped rejuvenate his love for filmmaking.
“[Working with Harley] gave me a renewed sense of, Oh, this is fun again. When you’re a parent, you only get a certain amount of years and then they’re off living their lives. I get to prolong it a bit, and if I play my cards right I can keep making pretend with my kid until the day I die. That’s rarified air.”
Smith also recounts the story of his 2018 heart attack — the type which doctors refer to as “the widowmaker” — and how he’s changed his lifestyle since to be 70 pounds lighter and feeling great. Plus, he definitively answers the age-old question of who is funnier between Matt Damon and Ben Affleck.
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Categories: Business
Tags: business, chriscollins, jaymeefoxx, michaelstraumieitis, thebusinessoutlaws