The IN with TWO Outsiders
Carmen Murray is a formidable force and visionary thinker who can unlock your inner Øutsider. It’s time to get off the couch and into the arena, disrupt the thinking, and get real in this chaotic world. Be the catalyst for change and question everything. What makes Øutsiders powerful is their ability to turn their backs on the crowds and face the music they want to create. In with the Outsiders is all about overlooking the differences that divide us and paying more attention to those that unite us, making us want to celebrate our differences, and recognise how damn special we all are! Carmen explores meaningful conversations with people, changing how we see the world, one word, one day, one act at a time. If you are an underdog, then you are an Øutsider. If you are a rebel, then you are an Øutsider. If you want to expand your mind, you are an Øutsider. If you are awakened, you are an Øutsider. So why not become an insider with the Øutsiders? Let’s learn together through curiosity!
Categories: Society & Culture
Tags: #AskJohnCarmen, #BeHeard, #CarmenMurray, #Disruptiondiaries, #HenleyAfrica, #HotMinute, #JohnVlismas, #TLDR, another Solid Gold podcast, Gavin Kennedy, outsiders