City of Ghosts
Eleanor “El” Rivkin is a misanthropic information broker who grapples with a tangled web of corruption, murder, and her own mysterious abilities in 1990s New York City. Starring Brigette Lundy-Paine (Atypical), Erin Darke (Mrs Maisel), Moises Airas (Hannah Montanna), Rich Sommer (Mad Men) and Kevin Pollak (A Few Good Men). Created by Carina Green and Ryan Patch.
Categories: Fiction
Tags: blue bloods, brigette lundy-paine, corruption, donald trump, drama, erin darke, fiction, fiction podcast, full cast, ghosts, jared kushner, kevin pollak, law, lawyers, moises airas, murder, new york, new york city, Politics, power, queer, real estate, Wealth