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    Intentional Now

    Intentional Now


    Since Jan 21, 2022 05:16 UTC

    Welcome to Intentional Now podcast, hosted by Kristen Wambach.

    Empowering Listeners to know themselves by God’s design, intentionally!

    Weekly, Kristen and her guests talk about the practical and the mystical.

    We aren’t wrestling with who God is; We stepped out of the God Box years ago… and into face-to-face communion.
    ☑️ Each week the listener walks away refreshed, inspired, with bountiful show notes, and touched by Holy Spirit.

    Topics next to the heart:

    – Relating Heaven to Earth, de-mystifying the unseen, discover the “C♡♡Lness” of the spirit.
    – Inspire passions | Glory Realms
    – Change behaviors | Identity revealed by encountering His love.
    – Restoration; all the ISSUES · LOVE is wrapping His arms around
    – Transparent Life Victories and what we learned on the journey

    Areas of Experience: Author | Entrepreneur | Transformation Coach | Podcaster | Wife | Mother | Ordained Pastor | Artist | Evernote Expert. Kristen shares candid insights and supernatural experiences to empower listeners to grow in an applicative lifestyle beyond the veil. Her confident and informative approach creates a safe space for all listeners, filled with useful activations and how-tos.

    Encouragement is worth finding! Especially if their story tells you how to get there.

    ~Kristen Wambach
    The UnFinished Book Jesus, redefining what I say yes to… amazing!
    ~The Heart of an Entrepreneur
    Etsy Shop viaKwambach (Evernote templates and planners)
    Etsy Shop Rabbitrail Supply (Practical Backyard Bird Supply)
    Etsy Shop Castle Christmas Barn (exquisite Christmas decor, Christmas Planners, Stationery and Gifts)
    KEW Store (Evernote templates and planners, Stationery, KEW-Books)
    Rabbitrail Supply(Practical Backyard Bird Supplies)
    ~Ekklesia Family

    It’s an honor to have this conversation with you. K. Wambach
    Patreon sharing the journey.

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