Are you a social misfit hell bent on the crazy psychotic sounds of Rock’n’Roll? Yeah, then this Podcast’s for you. ——————- Tune in and freak out to the twisted trashy side of Rock’n’Roll. YOU GOT GOOD TASTE will mess up your mind and make yours knees all a quiver. So take yer pardner and get ready to Rock, Roll, Bop, Stroll, Jump, Jive and boogie to the Twisted Twanging sound they call Rock’n’Roll. ——————- You’ll hear Rock’n’Roll, Garage Punk, Rockabilly, Surf, Dirty Blues, R’n’B, Outlaw Country, Honky Tonk, Western Swing and all kinds of weird exotica. Stick around and you’ll get a regular dose of the bad stuff, if YOU GOT GOOD TASTE spread the disease and tell others.
Categories: Music
Tags: b, billy, country, cramps, garagepunk, lux, N, Podcast, psycho, punk, R, rock, rockabilly, roll, trash