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    Judah Israel Michael’s podcast

    Judah Israel Michael’s podcast


    Since Mar 13, 2006 09:43 UTC

    This hard-hitting, truth telling, no holds barred, more real than reality tv, poetry transcends the slam, spoken-word, and arts and entertainment catagories. It bites the hand that feeds the lips of man-pleasers and suck-ups. So enjoy. The premier poem is “Speaking My Peace” – a poem that has to be heard to be believed, and even then… The PDF is available on www.judahisrael.com on the lyrics page. Many of my poems are posted there as well. [itunes pic]
    If you liked “Speaking My Peace” you’re going to love this classic off the Spirit-Filled Spoken Word album. The live audience really gives the words a third dimension. Lyrics: The message got messed with (Phil. 1:15-16) so we’re here to correct it (2 Tim. 3:16) The Son “has been perfected” (Heb. 7:28) when our Faith (1 John 5:4) was resurrected (1 Pet. 1:3) Check it! And connect this… like pieces of papyrus from Calvary’s hill (Luke 23:33) to Cyprus (Acts 27:4) even Peter can’t deny this! (Luke 22:34) Preferring Truth is not a bias, but the lie is (Rom. 1:25) divisive (Hos. 10:2) Like Ananias (Acts 5:3) we’re indecisive (1 Kin. 18:21/Joel 3:14) in a crisis; not the wisest (1 Cor. 1:25/3:19-20) when we analyze it Y’all are too quiet Maybe thinking “I don’t buy it!” But if it’s free, (Is. 52:3) then it’s not for sale (Acts 8:20) Nineveh is waiting (Jonah 3:2) and we’re still in the whale (Jonah 1:17) Free manna’s getting stale (Ex. 16:35) while we’re praying crops won’t fail? Some are worshipping Baal (1 Kin. 22:53) or still searching for the holy grail But the blessing we’re lacking (James 4:2) is ours for the asking; (James 4:2/Luke 11:9) the mysteries of heaven- (Mark 4:11/Matt. 13:11) ours for the unmasking by our King Everlasting; (Jer. 10:10) just one last thing which gives me peace surpassing (Phil. 4:7) all understanding, (Phil. 4:7) and “the thoughts (Ps. 94:11) and intents” (Heb. 4:12) of frail human planning (Ps. 33:10) My hope is in Your Word (Ps. 119:81/147) fools continue panning (Ps. 14:1) and dictators continue banning His word’s a fire in my bones (Jer. 20:9) God’s breath’s always fanning (Gen. 2:7) in “the shadow of Your wings” (Ps. 17:8/36:7) which are universe-spanning (Is. 40:12/48:13) The Righteous Sun’s so close (Mal. 4:2) it feels like I’m tanning in the Light of Life (John 1:4) on the Way through the Truth, (John 14:6) with Melchizedek, (Ps. 110:4) Elimelech, (Ruth 1:3) Naomi and Ruth (Ruth 2:22) The Church joined to Israel (1 Cor. 12:13) in a marriage we know as (Rev. 19:7/21:9-12) grafting in by grace (Rom. 11:17/19) like with Jesus or with Boaz (Ruth 4:9-10) Redeemed from the outside (Eph. 2:12-13) the path becomes clear (Ps. 119:105) so “we walk by faith” (2 Cor. 5:7) without “a spirit of fear” (2 Tim. 1:7) Fearing only God (1 Sam. 12:24) and casting not the first stone (John 8:7) All are judged… (Rom. 14:10) but we’re judged alone (Rev. 20:13) I reap what I’ve sown, (Gal. 6:7-8) glean what I’ve grown, cry out and groan (Rom. 8:15/2 Cor. 5:2) to know as I am known (1 Cor. 13:12) “before the judgment seat” (2 Cor. 5:10) and at the right hand of the throne (Mark 16:19) by an “invisible God” (Col. 1:15) whose image is shown (Col. 1:15) in that still, gentle voice (1 Kin. 19:11-12) like the wind’s soft tone (Acts 2:2) through my innermost man that will someday go home To “My Father’s house” – (John 14:2) a place of “many mansions” (John 14:2) seen in the Spirit like a window we glance in at Cherubim and Seraphim (Ps. 80:1/Is. 6:2) there with Him who can’t sin (1 John 3:9/5) Where Lazarus is risen (John 12:17) and David’s still dancin’! (2 Sam. 6:14) Where Methuselah is young again (Gen. 5:27) and blessed like Job; (Job 42:12) Where Joseph still wears (Gen. 37:23) his many-colored robe. (Gen. 37:23) With one Spirit, (1 Cor.12:13/Eph.4:4) Faith, and Hope, (Eph. 4:4-5) for all we’re called to do (Mic. 6:8) One Lord, (Eph. 4:5/1Cor. 8:6) one God and Father, (Eph. 4:6/Mal. 2:10) for Gentile and for Jew (Rom. 10:12) One body and one baptism (Eph. 4:4-5) united from the two (Eph. 2:14-16) and the “King from of old” (Ps. 74:12) in Jerusalem – New (Rev. 21:2) Who is this Hebrew I refer to? I thought you knew (John 3:10) Just connect the pieces: we’re enslaved (John 8:34/Rom. 6:16) so who can free us? (Gal. 5:1/John 8:32) Not you, only Jesus When we’re oppressed (Ps. 146:7) and killed (Ps. 44:22) who will see us? (Is. 29:15/Job 11:11) Not anyone, but Jesus Humbled to the form of man, (Phil. 2:8) who lowered Himself to be us? (Phil. 2:6-8) Not an idol or an angel it was God, in the flesh, (John 1:14/1 Tim. 3:16) as Jesus


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