The Best Debate in the Universe
Two sides of a debate from the greatest mind of the 21st century and all other centuries: The Best Debate in the Universe Welcome to the debut episode of The Best Debate in the Universe. This is a show that covers more topical and current news stories. It’s a show that’s more about you than it is about me because A) I’m perfect, and B) I’m conducting an experiment to see if you idiots can think rationally after being presented with both sides of an issue, and not just your echo chamber. Tired of seeing shitty debates in online forums devolve into name-calling, flame wars and lost friends? Ever wonder if anyone can ever be persuaded by the other side? That’s what this show is all about because I am the only person qualified to argue counter to myself. I’m like the Hawking, Einstein and Feynman of debate, if they were smarter. For the first episode, I tackle two huge recent controversies in the news: the “soft sexism” of the new Ghostbusters movie and the audacity of Fox to market an X-Men, a fictional universe in which a telekinetic, immortal alien chokes out a a shapeshifting superhuman. I also dicsuss The Angry Video Game Nerd’s refusal to see the new Ghostbusters 2016 movie because it looks like shit. Who knew not seeing it was an option? Sources: Hollywood Reporter – –
Categories: Comedy
Tags: Alphabet, artwork, audio, best, better, Biggest, Children, crappy, debate, downloads, In, Kids, madcast, maddox, Man, manliness, media, network, over, Podcast, radio, The, Universe