Burning Man LIVE
Meet those who make Burning Man happen, beyond the desert and out in the world. Artists, activists, and innovators. Builders and Burners, freaks and fools. Burning Man floats on a sea of stories, and the Burning Man LIVE podcast is a plucky little boat with a microphone.
Categories: Arts, Education, Society & Culture
Tags: andie grace, art, black rock city, black rock desert, burners without borders, burning man, burning man project, city planning, civic responsibility, community, Culture, decommodification, Festival, fly hot springs, gerlach, gifting, immediacy, international, lagi, leave no trace, leaving no trace, marian goodell, michael vav, michael vavricek, Nevada, nonprofit, participation, playa, radical inclusion, radical self expression, radical self-reliance, stuart mangrum, transformational events