Foundr Magazine Podcast with Nathan Chan
We interview hard to reach entrepreneurs. (Mark Cuban, Tim Ferriss, Sophia Amoruso, Tony Robbins, Barbara Corcoran, Gary Vaynerchuk, & many more). Unlike most podcast interview series Nathan Chan literally started from knowing nothing. He was just an average guy working in a 9-5 job he utterly hated. He knew nothing about entrepreneurship, nothing about startups, nothing about marketing, and nothing about online or how to build a business. So from launching Foundr Magazine he’s gone out and spoken to some of the most successful entrepreneurs and founders in the world to find out exactly what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur, so YOU can learn from them. Why this podcast? Because we’re asking the same questions you want to know as an entrepreneur on their journey to building an extremely successful business. We’re on the front-lines facing the daily battles you are. How do I get more customers? How do I scale my business? I want to start a business, but just don’t know where to start? How did this person get millions of customers and make millions of dollars and have a such a massive impact on the world? Some of these entrepreneurs are very well known, and some not known at all and that’s the cool part! Here we will share with you our best interviews from Foundr magazine showcasing this persons processes, failures, critical lessons learnt and actionable strategies showing YOU how to build a successful business. This is NOT your AVERAGE everyday entrepreneurship podcast. We’ve also interviewed many successful game changing podcasters like Jim Kwik, Pat Flynn, Lewis Howes, Jordan Harbinger, Joel Brown & many more!
Categories: Business
Tags: business, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, Founder, growth, leadership, marketing, marketinggrowth, Podcast, socialmedia, startingabusiness, startup, success