The Adrian Young Podcast
The Adrian Young Podcast is hosted by the Author of the book: Millennial Man (now available through pre-order). Every week, through solo commentary or interviews, Adrian pulls back the curtain on the dynamic challenges affecting our modern men. He seeks to help, the so-called ‘Millennial Man’ of today, whether they are 16 or 60 to become more equipped and effective at being real 21st century men. In these modern times of pivotal growth and change, Adrian believes that a new breed of men must arise to re-shape the narrative and reject the plight of both, toxic masculinity and toxic femininity. NB. The show embraces a Christian world view and advocates for biblical: Family, Parenting, Marriage and Economic principles. Our primary belief is that the core of society’s problems stem from broken homes and poor family values.
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality, Society & Culture
Tags: 21st century men, being a better man, Christian Men, men, men and society, men's health, millennial man