Skeleton Keys
SKELETON KEYS is a podcast dedicated to unlocking the mysteries of mythology and history in pop culture. Each episode is a skeleton key to unlock a particular artist, film, comic or other popular art through myth and history. Hosts, Torri Yates-Orr is an African American Historian and John Bucher is a Mythologist. Together, they take a look at the people, places, and events happening in culture in order to mine out a deeper meaning, having a ton of fun along the way.
Categories: Arts, History, Society & Culture
Tags: african american, African American History, art, carl jung, classic mythology, comics, depth psychology, fables, film, folktales, History, john bucher, joseph campbell, modern myth, modern mythology, modern myths, myth, mythology, Myths, narrative, pop culture, Psychology, religion, story, storytelling, television, torri yates-orr, tv, world mythology