Dukkan Show
The term “Dukkan” literally means “shop” in Arabic. The Dukkan Show is a podcast that delivers a sonic experience, showcasing the great conversations friends have when they hang at their respective dukkan stoop.We are the voice of Neo-Bedouins and the home of the others, from the Middle East to the world.Dukkan Show is brought to you by the audiophiles at Dukkan Media.#WeCauseCulture
Categories: Society & Culture
Tags: 3rdculturekids, abudhabi, art, banter, community, conversations, Culture, dubai, dukkan, dukkanlife, dukkanshow, dxb, Emirates, english, Entertainment, fashion, Grocery, hiphop, humor, intellectual, jeddah, jibberish, jokes, khobar, ksa, music, mydubai, ot, people, Podcast, podcasting