Welcome to “letgoflow” a podcast where inspiring and mindful people talk about #life #love #empowerment #inspiration #creativity #success #failure , personal growth and much more… We are living in a chaotic and impulsive time where creativity, flexibility and transparency have never been asked more than today. I read out of inspiring and empowering books and I ask leaders, artists, entrepreneurs who are courageous enough to be the change – how they are, what they are doing, why they are doing it and how they are doing it. (English, Deutsch, Schwiizerdütsch) Intuition is a language. It’s your own energy language coming from your higher self. Like learning a foreign language there are many ways to learn your own energy language. Your intuition is your best friend and guide to a prosperous, happy and fulfilled life. To follow your intuition means also to follow your soul path. We tend to make important decisions with our head. Our head is connected to ego. Ego doesn’t want the best for us. Ego driven decisions are bounded to fear. Making decisions out of fear will never lead us to our highest potential and best outcome. Making decisions with the heart is pure. It leads to complete happiness and fulfillment. Intuition is the key to our souls path and highest good. www.letgoflow.com
Categories: Education, Society & Culture
Tags: empowerment, interviews, livetalks, mindbodysoul, mindset, nachhaltigkeit, PositiveMindset, positivity, sustainability