Audio Drama by ToldbyJo
Original drama and stories created for the world of audio by Josephine Halbert, an artist and filmmaker. Brought to you by Told In Pictures. Imagination is free.
Tags: #womenwriters, 1960s, 1968, art, Audiodrama, awardwinningmusicvideo, awardwinningsong, California, copenhagen, counterculture, Debut, desert, directedbywomen, emotional, Entertainment, femaleeye, fiction, historical, historicalfiction, Imagination, Independent, independentproduction, international, London, loveaffair, lovesong, lovestory, memory, muse, musicvideo, mystical, neverstop, newwriting, nostalgia, original, OriginalMusic, originalsoundtrack, palmsprings, plays, poeticimage, poetry, psychedelic, radioplay, radioromance, relationships, retro, rockandroll, rockmusic, romance, song, spiritual, summer, summerromance, themusesstory, transatlantic, travel, vintage, women, womenplaywrights, womensfiction, youth