Dancing in the shadows
Escaping the perils of depression and self-doubt through conversational hypnosis and open expression. I strive to learn comfort in the shadowed moments of life, and thrive in the light. Born into a cult-religion programmed into me as truth. While i have had shades of light, it has been mostly a dark journey for me. Recently, I have had to rediscover the light within and push through the cult-barrier of programming finally snipping the invisible tether of cult based mind-control. I take you with me in real time as I work through the incredibly difficult journey of what led me to now. I share it all.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality, Society & Culture
Tags: business, communication, cult, Darkness, energy, entrepreneurship, growth, hypnosis, inspiration, intellectualism, journey, joy, life, Light, love, masculine, masculinity, openess, prosper, prosperity, religion, selfhelp, shadow, thrive, work