Retirement Road Map®
Welcome to the Retirement Road Map by SHP Financial—a podcast empowering today’s retirees and pre-retirees to make well-informed financial decisions that will help you spend more time living and dreaming, than worrying and wondering. Join SHP Financial Co-Founders Derek Gregoire, Keith Ellis, and Matthew Peck, CFP® CIMA®, as they share actionable financial strategies and insights, as well as interview top thought leaders in the world of finance, accounting, and estate planning. The SHP trademarked Retirement Road Map® is a holistic planning process that focuses on the 5 key areas of retirement planning: Income planning, investment planning, tax planning, health care planning, and legacy planning. The Retirement Road Map is your guide to financial freedom and will prepare you for the retirement you’ve always dreamed of and deserve!
Categories: Business
Tags: Boston, Estateplanning, fiduciary, financialadvisor, FinancialFreedom, Healthcare, holisticplanning, Income, investments, legacy, Massachusetts, Plymouth, Retirement, RetirementPlanning, retirementroadmap, shp, shpfinancial, socialsecurity, taxes