Prophets and Messengers
A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Walid Basiony in which he explains the fourth pillar of faith, belief in the prophets and messengers.
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: messengers, prophets
A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Walid Basiony in which he explains the fourth pillar of faith, belief in the prophets and messengers.
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: messengers, prophets
A Baal Teshuva shares Torah insights, intertwined through personal stories and interviews with leading Torah Scholars to demonstrate the empowering qualities of Torah and mitzvot.
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: 613, Bamidbar, Bereishit, chabad, Chanuka, Chanukah, connect, Deuteronomy, Devarim, Dreidel, Dvar, Esther, exodus, free, G-d, Genesis, God, Haftora, Hashem, Hebrew, Hebrews, History, houston, Israel, israeli, jerusalem, jew, jewish, Judaism, kollel, Kosher, Leviticus, Matzah, Megillah, Menorah, Mitzvah, moses, moshe, navi, numbers, outreach, Parsha, Passover, pesach, prophets, purim, Rabbi, Rosh Hashanah, shabbat, Shabbos, Shemot, Shofar, Sukkot, tanach, Texas, torah, TORCH, Tu B'shvat, Tu Beshvat, tutorial, Vayikra, Wisdom, Yom Kippur
This Jewish Inspiration Podcast is dedicated to learning, understanding and enhancing our relationship with Hashem by working on improving our G-d given soul traits and aspiring to reflect His holy name each and every day. The goal is for each listener to hear something inspirational with each episode that will enhance their life.
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: 613, Bamidbar, Bereishit, chabad, Chanuka, Chanukah, connect, Deuteronomy, Devarim, Dreidel, Dvar, Esther, exodus, free, G-d, Genesis, God, Haftora, Hashem, Hebrew, Hebrews, History, houston, Israel, israeli, jerusalem, jew, jewish, Judaism, kollel, Kosher, Leviticus, Matzah, Megillah, Menorah, Mitzvah, moses, moshe, navi, numbers, outreach, Parsha, Passover, pesach, prophets, purim, Rabbi, Rosh Hashanah, shabbat, Shabbos, Shemot, Shofar, Sukkot, tanach, Texas, torah, TORCH, Tu B'shvat, Tu Beshvat, tutorial, Vayikra, Wisdom, Yom Kippur
Author, TV Host, and International Speaker Keith Johnson is unplugged and uncensored as he brings the latest news and relevant study that brings to life the Bible by focusing on it’s original language, history and context. Keywords: Keith Johnson, BFA International, YHVH, Tetragrammaton, Torah, Time, Hebrew Calendar, Hebrew Bible, Hebrew Roots, Biblical Foundations Academy, Time Will Tell, a Prayer to our Father, Nehemia Gordon, Torah Pearls, Prophet Pearls
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: Bible, gospel, Hebrew, matthew, Pearls, prophets, tanach
1 Samuel ushers in the monarchy as Samuel appoints Israel’s first king. Samuel was a prophet and judge over Israel. This book vividly brings forth the Sovereignty of Yahweh over all nations. This book focuses on the Davidic Covenant which points to Christ the true King of Israel.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: expository preaching, Jess Whetsel, Old Testament, prophets, reformed church, Samuel
We are relating unto you the most beautiful of stories in that what We have revealed to you from the Quran, though before it, you were from among those who were not aware of them. (The Quran 12:3)
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
True prophets are often the ones we least suspect of greatness. In the case of ancient Israel they often lacked social standing and possessed no special pedigree. Their authority derived solely from the power of their message. So it was with a remarkable man of righteous indignation, who arrived on the scene in the middle of the eighth century before the Common Era. His name was Amos.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: Bible, History, jewish, jusaism, kenhanson, OldTestament, prophets, tanakh, torah
A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Salem Morgan in which he explains and confirms some of the meanings of Prophet emigration.
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: emigration, emphasis, Meaning, prophets, tafseer
Join Rabbi Silberberg in diving into the land of Torah and discovering lessons to last a lifetime. Rabbi Elyahu Silberberg serves as Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Ohr Eliyahu, Lubavitch Mesivta of Chicago, and during the summer months, as Scholar in residence at Machon Alte women’s seminary in Tsfat, Israel. He is a beloved Rabbi, teacher and father, and lives in Lincolnwood, Illinois, with his wife and children, where he dedicates his life to mentoring, teaching, and inspiring others. This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts. Start your own forever free Torah podcast today at and share your Torah with the world.
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: jewish, learning, lessons, navi, prophets, sages, time, Time for Torah, TimeforTorah, torah, torahcast
The Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe Podcasts Collection gives you the opportunity to listen and enjoy to all the Torah & Insights from Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe in one feed. The The Parsha Podcast, Jewish History Podcast, The Mitzvah Podcast, This Jewish Life, TORAH 101 and The Ethics Podcast in one convenient place. Enjoy!
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: 613, Bamidbar, Bereishit, chabad, Chanuka, Chanukah, connect, Deuteronomy, Devarim, Dreidel, Dvar, Esther, exodus, free, G-d, Genesis, God, Haftora, Hashem, Hebrew, Hebrews, History, houston, Israel, israeli, jerusalem, jew, jewish, Judaism, kollel, Kosher, Leviticus, Matzah, Megillah, Menorah, mikra, Mitzvah, moses, moshe, navi, numbers, outreach, Parsha, Passover, pesach, prophets, purim, Rabbi, Rosh Hashanah, shabbat, Shabbos, Shemot, Shofar, Sukkot, tanach, Texas, torah, TORCH, Tu B'shvat, Tu Beshvat, tutorial, Vayikra, Wisdom, Yom Kippur
Stories of the Prophets for kids 6+MyKidsConversations for the adults in their lives! We’ll be talking about all things parenting, careers, love, marriage, money and community!
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: islam, lessons, muslimkids, Muslims, prophets, Stories
Tom, Bea, and Ernie share their gift of Video Game Divination! Witness glimpses into the future from their crystal ball! Hear veritable verdicts from the Special 7 Sphere! And revel in the triumphs and follies of their past predictions in the Reckoning Roost!
Categories: Uncategorised
Tags: 7, and, ball, crystal, Fun, game, games, prediction, prophets, seven, video
The fully comprehensive series on all the elements of Judaism: the religion. The Average Rabbi teaches the complete framework to Joe, a real, new student of Judaism. Join Joe on his journey as he explores the ancient path for the first time. Whether you are a fresh beginner like Joe, or raised in the orthodox faith, this series will provide you with the knowledge to answer the questions, “What’s the Jewish take on…?”, “Do Jews believe in…?” and ultimately, “What is Judaism?” This series is based on the 300 yr. old text The Way of God written by scholar/mystic, the Ramchal.
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: 613, Bamidbar, Bereishit, chabad, Chanuka, Chanukah, connect, Deuteronomy, Devarim, Dreidel, Dvar, Esther, exodus, free, G-d, Genesis, God, Haftora, Hashem, Hebrew, Hebrews, History, houston, Israel, israeli, jerusalem, jew, jewish, Judaism, kollel, Kosher, Leviticus, Matzah, Megillah, Menorah, Mitzvah, moses, moshe, navi, numbers, outreach, Parsha, Passover, pesach, prophets, purim, Rabbi, Rosh Hashanah, shabbat, Shabbos, Shemot, Shofar, Sukkot, tanach, Texas, torah, TORCH, Tu B'shvat, Tu Beshvat, tutorial, Vayikra, Wisdom, Yom Kippur
A lecture delivered in English in which Sh. Ali At-Tamimi explains how the Prophet’s companions understood the Noble Quran and the importance of this understanding, for they got it from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: companions, prophets, quran, understanding
A Baal Teshuva shares Torah insights, intertwined through personal stories and interviews with leading Torah Scholars to demonstrate the empowering qualities of Torah and mitzvot.
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: 613, Bamidbar, Bereishit, chabad, Chanuka, Chanukah, connect, Deuteronomy, Devarim, Dreidel, Dvar, Esther, exodus, free, G-d, Genesis, God, Haftora, Hashem, Hebrew, Hebrews, History, houston, Israel, israeli, jerusalem, jew, jewish, Judaism, kollel, Kosher, Leviticus, Matzah, Megillah, Menorah, Mitzvah, moses, moshe, navi, numbers, outreach, Parsha, Passover, pesach, prophets, purim, Rabbi, Rosh Hashanah, shabbat, Shabbos, Shemot, Shofar, Sukkot, tanach, Texas, torah, TORCH, Tu B'shvat, Tu Beshvat, tutorial, Vayikra, Wisdom, Yom Kippur
The Unboxing Judaism Podcast is a lively dialogue and discussion between Rabbi Yaakov Nagel and Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe that helps unbox and demystify the most fundamental ideas in Judaism that are commonly misunderstood.
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: 613, Bamidbar, Bereishit, chabad, Chanuka, Chanukah, connect, Deuteronomy, Devarim, Dreidel, Dvar, Esther, exodus, free, G-d, Genesis, God, Haftora, Hashem, Hebrew, Hebrews, History, houston, Israel, israeli, jerusalem, jew, jewish, Judaism, kollel, Kosher, Leviticus, Matzah, Megillah, Menorah, Mitzvah, moses, moshe, navi, numbers, outreach, Parsha, Passover, pesach, prophets, purim, Rabbi, Rosh Hashanah, shabbat, Shabbos, Shemot, Shofar, Sukkot, tanach, Texas, torah, TORCH, Tu B'shvat, Tu Beshvat, tutorial, Vayikra, Wisdom, Yom Kippur
The Unboxing Judaism Podcast is a lively dialogue and discussion between Rabbi Yaakov Nagel and Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe that helps unbox and demystify the most fundamental ideas in Judaism that are commonly misunderstood.
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: 613, Bamidbar, Bereishit, chabad, Chanuka, Chanukah, connect, Deuteronomy, Devarim, Dreidel, Dvar, Esther, exodus, free, G-d, Genesis, God, Haftora, Hashem, Hebrew, Hebrews, History, houston, Israel, israeli, jerusalem, jew, jewish, Judaism, kollel, Kosher, Leviticus, Matzah, Megillah, Menorah, Mitzvah, moses, moshe, navi, numbers, outreach, Parsha, Passover, pesach, prophets, purim, Rabbi, Rosh Hashanah, shabbat, Shabbos, Shemot, Shofar, Sukkot, tanach, Texas, torah, TORCH, Tu B'shvat, Tu Beshvat, tutorial, Vayikra, Wisdom, Yom Kippur
Biblical Archaeology Audio Podcast with Jerusalem Jones AKA Dr. Kenneth Hanson.The Land of Israel is not just the “Holy Land.” It’s an archaeological mine field, full of contentious debates and controversies that touch the core of faith and identity, across religious and cultural divides. The Bible itself is at stake, along with the events it describes, from Abraham the patriarch, to Moses, to King David, to the days of the Roman empire and beyond. How much is what we might call “history,” and what does the spade of the archaeologist reveal about the timeless characters who occupy the pages of Holy Writ? Grab your fedora, and get prepared for true adventure!
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: acient, Archaeology, biblical, Hebrew, historical, History, Israel, jerusalem, newtestament, OldTestament, prophets, torah
The Book of Yehoshua (Joshua) is the first book in Nevi’im (Prophets), the second section of the Tanach (Hebrew Bible). Tells the story of the Israelites from the wandering in the desert to the establishment of a monarchy in the Land of Israel. Taught by Rabbi Menachem Listman of Machon Mier in Kiryat Moshe, Jerusalem.
Categories: History, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: Bible, hebrewbible, Israel, joshua, landofisrael, learning, neviyim, prophets, study, tanach, yeshohua