Ready Investor One
My Wake-Up Call came in 2015, when I realized that I had had enough of my corporate job and was ready to take back control of my life. The world and economy are constantly changing, and the best thing you can learn is how to spend your time and energy working *on* your business instead of in it. I’m Paul Thompson, and in my podcast we’ll be discussing exactly that—how to build and grow your investment portfolio from the ground up. With each episode, you’ll hear inspiring stories from those who have already experienced their wake-up call, and are doing something about it. Real Estate professionals, industry leaders, and more, will join me to discuss how owning and renting property has changed their lives and the lives of their families for the better. It can do the same for you. Join us and revolutionize your portfolio, investments… and your life.
Categories: Business
Tags: assetallocation, financialeducation, foreclosureinvesting, homebuying, homeequity, investingstrategies, mortgagelending, propertyappreciation, propertymanagement, propertytaxation, RealEstate, realestateinvesting, rentalmarket, RetirementPlanning, riskmanagement, wealthmanagement