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  • The Power We Hold
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    The Power We Hold

    The Power We Hold


    Since Nov 25, 2021 21:00 UTC

    Welcome to The Power We Hold podcast. My name is Vanessa Albury. I’m an eco-visual artist who grew up in Nashville, TN, went to college in Charleston, SC, and moved to NYC the day before my interview for graduate school at NYU in March of 2006. I left my apartment of 13 years in Brooklyn and I now live in the world making art and focusing on healing and love. This podcast follows my journey to becoming a better and better ally to people of all our beautiful difference ( BIPOC, LGBTQAI2S+ and fellow non-normative brained and bodied friends, neighbors and strangers) and a better steward of planet Earth, our shared home.

    The lovely human and brilliant artist, Caleb Williams is my co-host on this journey because of her vast talents along with her willingness to have uncomfortable conversations with me and our shared belief in our intentions, integrity and love.

    We are here to support you on your journey into better allyship and Earth stewardship with us.. I understand that people tend to listen to other people who look and sound like they do, so I’ve created this podcast to provide an example of how to navigate uncomfortable and even difficult conversations about race, gender, brains, bodies and the planet as a white person.

    Also I’m in the non-normative brain category. I have narcolepsy with cataplexy from C-PTSD. I am by no means perfect. I will step in it, say the wrong thing, and I’m committed that being ok and to digging deeper and learning.

    For those of you listening who are BIPOC, LGBTQAI2S+ and non-normative embodied, I thank you for listening and participating in the education process of informing the privileged classes of your experience of racism, sexism, ageism, body-ism and all the -isms in America and the world. I understand that is a generous action and I’m grateful to you.

    My intention is for this podcast to give you, and us all really, hope for a future of equality and faith that many white, straight, generally normative people are on your side and truly want to create a better, equal and sustainable world together.

    To get there, to understand each other, we must discuss uncomfortable topics and learn how to relate to each other through them.

    With deeper understanding of each other, we can truly love each other. Thank you for joining me on this journey exploring The Power We Hold.

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