The Pursuit of Purpose with Amy Austin
Purpose as a noun means the reason for which something is done or created. As a verb, purpose is to have as one’s intention or objective. Imagine a world where you and your purpose are aligned. Simon Sinek challenges us to Start with Why. Lead with our intention – through life and business. I believe when you’ve discovered your purpose, daily tasks become easier, and business decisions are made with clarity and confidence. The Pursuit of Purpose explores how to put your unique purpose to work building an authentic and successful service-driven brand. Your host, Amy Austin, is a successful entrepreneur, coach and branding strategist. Her experience spans over 20 years and many service industries including healthcare, computer software, and entertainment. Additionally, she leads workshops focused on defining your purpose and using it to build authentic personal and business brands. Our stories start with purpose.
Categories: Business, Education
Tags: Branding, healthcaremarketing, intention, marketing, professionaldevelopment, purpose, servicedrivenbrands, startwithwhy