In Your Pants with Dr. Susie G
Dr. Susie G is the physiotherapist for your privates. She’ll answer questions for you and help keep embarrassing search history off your browser. Get in the know, down below! Get in the know ‘down below’ with Dr. Susie Gronski and her guests as she demystifies the stigmas around sexual health, pain, and taboo subjects like poop and private parts. Specializing in men’s pelvic and sexual health, Susie Gronski, PT, DPT is a licensed doctor of physical therapy, certified pelvic rehabilitation practitioner, University of Michigan trained sex counselor and educator, international teacher, author and creator of one-to-one and self-paced health programs that help men with pelvic pain become experts in treating themselves. Learn more by visiting Copyright: 2017 by Susie Gronski
Categories: Health & Fitness
Tags: chronicpain, chronicpelvicpainsyndrome, chronicprostatitis, erectiledysfunction, hardflaccid, health, menshealth, pelvicfloor, pelvicfloorexercises, pelvicfloorphysicaltherapy, pelvicpain, pelvicpaininmen, prematureejaculation, sex, sexualdysfunction, sexualhealth