Thrive x Strive Musician Podcast
This is a podcast that dives deep into musicians’ inner worlds. We explore everything around personal development to create a healthy lifestyle and boost our focus on practice and performance. I invite experts and successful musicians to talk about their experiences in the music industry and how to maintain a positive and productive mindset. They will provide practical tools and resources to implement personally and professionally. Your host Amy Wang-Hiller is a DFW-based violinist and educator who is a certified NLP practitioner. In short solo episodes, Amy shares her stories and the perspectives she has gained through her journey with disability. This podcast aims to help musicians achieve a healthy and balanced mental space for a long-lasting career.
Categories: Education, Health & Fitness, Music
Tags: healthy lifestyle, interview, musician mental health, perfectly imperfect, personal growth, personal story, self-development, shifting mindset, strive, thrive