This Week in Poetry
by Ramanujam Nedumaran
Since Sep 2, 2021 07:16 UTC
This Week in Poetry With Prof.Nedumaran is a podcast series aimed at fostering a passion for poetry through listening to select poems as they are read by an expert.
Poetry is an auditory experience. Words, chosen and arranged by the poet when read aloud come to life lighting up the content the poet has packed in the words and sounds. A good poem brightens up our moments. It gives us the glory and the grief, the ebb and flow of life eventually, helping us understand ourselves and others in a better light. Frost said a poem is a clarification of life; it raises questions, stirs our curiosity, builds imaginary bridges to negotiate doubts and uncertainties.
The podcast presents some of the best moments in the history of civilization. Listening to the best minds can be a very invigorating exercise, energising, entertaining and profoundly illuminating.
Prof. R.Nedumaran with his thirty some years of teaching and living poetry at The American College, Madurai reads poems of his choice from English and Tamil Literatures for your listening pleasure.
“The word / was born in the blood / grew in the dark body,beating / and flew through the lips and the mouth” Pablo Neruda the Latin American poet in his poem, The Word.
Words are a source of life. Reach the source through the sounds. “ The sound makes no sense unless it is heard” Robert Frost.
A poem is always an attempt at clarification of life. A poem is a performance.
Come let’s perform poetry ! Let the sounds of life from the poems we read give us joy and light.
Welcome to This Week in Poetry with Prof.Nedumaran.
Categories: Arts
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