Who Is the Man of the Shroud?
Join us for a brand new podcast dedicated to the ongoing examination and exploration of the mysteries of the Shroud of Turin! Is it a religious icon produced by some process unknown to the 21st century? Is it the authentic burial shroud of Jesus Christ? The series is brought to you by Shroud scholars Fr. Peter Mangum, Rector of the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans in Shreveport, LA, and Dr. Cheryl White, history professor at Louisiana State University-Shreveport. Both Fr. Mangum and Dr. White are members of the American Confraternity of the Holy Shroud – the only authorized affiliate of the Archconfraternity of Turin, curators of the Shroud since 1597. They have both trained at the Shroud Center of Colorado with the noted Dr. John Jackson, who headed the 1978 Shroud of Turin Research Project.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: Blood, burial, catholic, Catholicism, christianity, church, death, faith, Jesus, mysteries, MYSTERY, Mysticism, of, ROM, shroud, teaching, turin, Unsolved, wonders