Inland Northwest Artisan Grains Podcast: Unpacking the Grain Shed
The Inland Northwest Artisan Grains Podcast chronicles the emergence of landrace, heritage, and other unique grains in the local food landscape. Join us as we talk to farmers, millers, bakers, and brewers about their journey into the world of artisan grains. This podcast is hosted by Ali Schultheis, podcast coordinator with University of Idaho Extension, and Colette DePhelps, Area Extension Educator in University of Idaho Extension’s Northern District.The views and opinions expressed in the Inland Northwest Artisan Grains podcast series are those of the podcast guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of University of Idaho Extension.
Categories: Society & Culture
Tags: ancient, Artisan, farms, Food, grain, grains, idaho, landrace, local, nutrition, shed, smalll, university