The Land I Trust
The Land I Trust, an audio series by the Sierra Club, tells stories of special places under threat by dirty energy — and how the transition to clean energy is benefiting people and the homes they hold dear. In our first series, we travel through the American South to talk with folks about the coal that is fouling their air and water, the dirty energy projects they’re fighting in their backyards, and a shared vision for a clean energy economy that allows all of our communities to thrive. From climate refugees to farming families, these Southerners generously sat down, walked, and canoed with us while sharing their truths. Travel with us through North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Alabama and Florida to hear firsthand how much moving beyond coal and fracked gas matters to communities everywhere.
Categories: Society & Culture
Tags: clean energy, climate change, coal, energy, fracking, gas, global warming, pipelines, renewable energy, solar energy, Stories, storytelling