The Land Geek Podcast Archive
Mark Podolsky (AKA The Land Geek), successful land investor, land investing coach and creator of the popular Best Passive Income Model Podcast has unscripted, free-flowing conversations with real estate and business experts. We have over 90 episodes in the archive. Please visit to unlock the remaining episodes.
Categories: Business
Tags: bestrealestateinvestments, bestwaytoinvestinrealestate, bestwaytostartinvestinginrealestate, howtobecomearealestateinvestor, howtobuytaxlienproperties, howtomakemoneyinrealestate, makingmoneyfromrealestate, passiveincome, passiverealestateincome, propertytaxliens, RealEstate, startingarealestatebusiness, taxlieninvesting, taxlienproperties, taxlienpropertiesforsale, taxliensales