Dynamic Money
Chris is the founder and principal of Dynamic Money, a financial planning company in Atlanta, and is passionate about helping people build strong financial plans flexible enough to be effective for all of life – not just the easy parts. The Chris Burns Show is recorded LIVE in Atlanta on 95.5 WSB to help people like you reach your dreams and understand how real headlines have a real impact on their lives. We want you to become excited about your money, your dreams, and learn how to take real steps towards your goals even when life happens. If you’re listening, your future is important to you and you have BIG DREAMS. Let’s talk about what’s been going on…
Categories: Business, News, Society & Culture
Tags: atlanta, chris burns, dynamic, dynamic money, dynamic money show, fee-based financial planning, Finance, financial advice, financial growth, Financial Planning, financial strategy, goal setting, goals, investing, life, Money, money advice, planning, practical advice, Retirement, the chris burns show, wsb, wsb radio