Untrue Tales… Book Three
FULL TITLE: Untrue Tales From Beyond Fiction – Recollections of an Alternate Past, Book Three: Escape From Exile or Confusion and Contraction or How To Get Out Of Hell. (Book 3 of 6) Contains mature content not suitable for all readers. Book Three picks up from the same instant that Book Two left off: in Hell. It is primarily concerned with Trevor’s attempts to free his companions from eternal damnation, but has a few twists and turns that will leave you wondering what really happened.
Categories: Arts
Tags: ball, band, Blood, contract, dance, demons, devil, discussion, Dodgeball, erotic, flying, high, house, Lies, maelstrom, meaningless, nightmare, object, out, religion, revelations, Rocking, school, signed, souls, terrible, The, TMBG, torture, torturing, UFO, Unidentified, white