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    Travel Stationary

    Travel Stationary


    Since Jun 6, 2019 21:43 UTC

    a program that does its honest to goodness best effort to transport you somewhere, all from the comfort of your internet connection. It’s called travel stationary as a play on words. Because, yes, it’s like a place where thoughts get jotted down, as in stationary. It’s also…. You get to travel without moving. To be stationary. Hear me spin yarns and thoughts and meditiation and oblique examinations from the comfort of your ears. My name is Bill Baird, a lifelong musician, tinkerer, traveler, thinker, eater, lover, insecure male, reader, thinker, stinker, dabbler, do-er, and more. I am the host, writer and creator of the show but will be welcoming guests here from time to time.



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