RICE Asian Comedy Podcast
by The Sonar Network
Since Dec 25, 2019 05:00 UTC
Exploring representation in cinema. Each week we review a minority-led film with members of that under-represented community and debate a cultural topic plucked from the movie’s themes. Monthly bonus episodes will feature one-on-one interviews with creators discussing representation in their creative field. Hosted by Vong Show, official spokesperson for gay, super cute Asians. Featuring recurring co-hosts Leonard Chan, Veronica Antipolo and Robert Watson, along with special guests representing the communities explored in that week’s film. Special monthly interview episodes will feature appearances from artists from a variety of creative fields including film, television, comedy, theatre, music, art and literature, discussing the state of representation in their fields and how they are contributing to advancing the cause.
Categories: Comedy, Society & Culture, TV & Film
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