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  • Talk n’ Voice Overs
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    Talk n’ Voice Overs

    Talk n’ Voice Overs


    Since Mar 4, 2020 01:00 UTC

    Rick Sellers and Wes McCraw discuss all things related to the voice-over industry. Episodes include voice-over celebrity interviews, audio production discussions, tech tips and marketing strategies for voice actors. Rick Sellers is a six figure voice-actor, audio producer, and 25 year veteran of the voice-over industry (and the voice of General Insurance TV animated spokesman, “The General”). Wes McCraw is an award winning audio producer, sounds effects designer and musician. For nearly three decades Rick and Wes have produced voice-overs, sound effects and music for companies including Hasbro Inc., Mattel Inc., American Greetings, Sesame Street, TV and Radio. On, Talk’n Voice Overs discussions also exlpore insider tips for voicing characters for toys, games, e-learning, audio books, commercials and more.


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