Right on Point Podcast
Paul and Olivia are the premiere young sibling duo in conservative politics. Each week they break down the latest news out of Washington, the Trump administration, and across the country with a uniquely traditionalist and Catholic bent that is indebted to the broader Western tradition. They also regularly feature some of the most influential voices in politics, media, and academia. Come join us Tuesdays and Thursdays. Visit our website www.rightonpointpodcast.com to learn more!
Categories: Society & Culture
Tags: abortion, allanbloom, catholic, catholicchurch, catholicchurchinireland, church, Conservatism, conservative, Culture, cultureofdeath, culturewars, democraticparty, donaldtrump, eighthamendment, gundebate, identitypolitics, illegalimmigration, ireland, Israel, jerusalem, kimjungunsummit, Liberalism, longisland, modernconservatism, MS13, multiculturalism, News, northkorea, Philosophy, Podcast, politicalcorrectness, politicalpolarization, Politics, presidenttrump, prolife, republicanparty, rightonpoint, russellkirk, secondamendment, Secularization, Siblings, Traditionalism, Trump, trumpforeignpolicy, whitehouse, williamfbuckley