Wookiee of the Year
In the Outer Rim of the Star Wars universe, a ship called the Wookiee Of The Year cruises around, sending audio dispatches into the void. Unjam your comlink (it’s the center switch) and drink in the space magic as your host, JZ 6-5000, and a rogues gallery of scum and villainy reflect on what the franchise means to them and discuss the latest happenings in that galaxy far, far away….
Tags: Chewbacca, Comedy, Darth Vader, film, Finn, george lucas, Han Solo, Jar-Jar, Jedi, Kylo Ren, Leia Skywalker, lucasfilm, Luke Skywalker, Podcast, Poe Dameron, rey, Sauropod, Skywalker, Star Wars, thesauropod, Wookiee, Wookiee of the Year, Yoda