Backstage Chats with Women In Music, hosted by Thea Wood, features interviews with trailblazers and rising stars in the music industry. Whether on stage, behind the scenes, or on air, BCWIM introduces you to the women who are making waves in the music industry. Each episode is entertaining, inspiring, and relatable. Join our band of dreamers, rule breakers, and rock stars today! Produced by Herizon Music Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit based in Austin, TX. Learn more at
This podcast is a production of Herizon Music Foundation, a nonprofit uplifting women in music through education, experience, and role-coding programs. It’s made possible thanks to fans like yourself. Please donate today!
In this episode, BlueSkye covers:
— The origin of her unique name.
— Her not-so-lucky Lucky Penny
— The story of her song “America’s Middle Class”
— What it’s like to audition for the NBC television show The Voice.
Visit for full Show Notes, videos, social links, and videos!
Disclaimer: Opinions of show guests are not necessarily those of Herizon Music Foundation, Inc. or its employees, volunteers, officers/directors, or contractors.
Categories: Business, Music
Tags: art, backstage, business, career, empower, Equality, feminism, interview, music, musicians, representation, women, women in music