Nap Time + Me Time: Real Parent Talk About Real Parent $#!*
by Jonna Bozeman
Since Jun 19, 2019 02:00 UTC
I’m a letterboard-lovin’, scarf-wearing, puree-makin’, wine-drinkin’, slow-weanin’ toddler mom that lingers a little too long in the classroom rambling to the teachers about what her kid’s bedtime routine is like and explaining why said kid has peanut butter in her hair.I’m a little bit of a hot mess, and a little bit (okay, a lot) extra. As much as I love being a mom, sometimes I just need a minute and that minute usually (okay, always) includes wine. In each episode, I grab a glass of wine and a good friend and we just dive right in – into the highs (the first time they *really* smile at you), the lows (when you buy two pounds of strawberries right when they decide they hate strawberries), and everything in-between.So, grab a glass and have some “Me Time” with me. You deserve it.
Categories: Kids & Family, Society & Culture
Tags: Children, dad, family, fatherhood, Kids, mom, motherhood, parenthood, parenting, parents, wine
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