The Audacity of this Guy Podcast
by Watters Media
Since Mar 23, 2021 20:53 UTC
Hey, my name is Dom Watters, and I want to welcome you to The Audacity of this Guy Podcast. I had a vision not too long ago after talking with my mother about what we as black people deem to be a success and what black excellence looks like. And I said to her I feel like all we see are the athletes, actors, and rappers. And while having the goal to join these highly attractive professions are great, truth is we are so much more as a race and culture. We have people who have become doctors, lawyers, directors, engineers, pastors, authors, chefs, entrepreneurs and well you get the point all types of successful careers. That’s when I had an epiphany, I would help tell their stories by introducing them to world using a podcast. So here we are now, just a guy from Baltimore, Maryland that had the audacity to show off his people who have achieved success. I want people to listen and learn from my guests as they speak about their triumphs and failures. Success often leaves clues and my hope is that a gem is dropped and are able to visualize yourself as the successful person you are. #theeaudacity
Categories: Business, Education
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