Game of Owns – The Game of Thrones podcast
Podcasting through George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire/House of the Dragon and HBO’s Game Of Thrones. Episodes […]
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Evan, Angie, Karen, and Kris love them some television. Probably even more than one another. That’s why this trio has joined forces to talk about this love on a monthly basis, so you don’t have to! Each month, one of them chooses an episode of a TV show for everyone to watch, and then they talk about how good or bad it was. They argue, they agree, they do other things that start with the letter a. There’s more fun, laughs, drama, and hard to pronounce names than you can shake a TV remote at. Plus, they can say things like “On this week’s episode of This Week’s Episode…” Ahh, good times…
Categories: TV & Film