30 Days of Van Damme
Over on The Movie Draft House we are doing Van Damme month to celebrate one year! But 5 Van Damme […]
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Before Nolan flipped trucks in downtown Chicago, James Cameron re-built the titanic and Spielberg showed us the true magic of cinema, they, like all directors, made their very first film. Some made with barely a penny to their name, others with a million bucks. Some won Oscars, others you can’t even find online (or on DVD…or VHS). Yet what binds them all is a drive and passion to bring their vision to the big – or small – screen. Join Dom, Louis, Benas and Sparrow as they chat about any and all directorial debuts, filled with grassroots filmmaking knowledge (and the occasional film-related tangent), as well as the occasional guest in the form of a director who’s directed their first film.
Categories: TV & Film