Code and the Coding Coders who Code it
We talk about Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, and everything in between. From tiny tips to bigger challenges we take on 3 […]
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🇺🇸 Multilingual tech-culture podcast where you learn to fight to become a successful professional in tech. Break the entry barriers, learn the skills, keep motivated, find jobs, network, successfully use AI, and stay up-to-date.
🇪🇸 Podcast de cultura-tech donde aprenderás a luchar contra todos los enemigos que quieren impedirte ser éxitoso en el mundo tech: Romper las barreras de entrada, adquirir destrezas, encontrar trabajo, hacer networking , utilizar AI y mantenerte al día con todos los acontecimientos tech.
Categories: Technology
Tags: aprende a programar, codificación, coding, Learn to code, programación