Art of Dynamic Competence: Creating Success in Changing Times
by Susan Clark, Ph.D.
Since Nov 17, 2020 18:00 UTC
Whether you are feeling overwhelmed or absolutely ready to seize the moment, the Art of Dynamic Competence shows us how best align ourselves with whatever situation we find ourselves in, creating success in changing times. At its core, Dynamic Competence describes how we consciously understand the situations in which we find ourselves, allowing us to create equitable and balanced solutions for all concerned. Dynamic Competence is not static; it allows us to see our situation clearer, make better decisions, positively affect others, and feel a sense of accomplishment and happiness in our lives. Without a doubt, Dynamic Competence helps us through the hard stuff. This podcast will explore how Dynamic Competence arises in a wide range of disciplines. From business transformations to environmental issues, Dynamic Competence can help us describe success and manifest this success in our own lives. Managers, leaders, artists, coaches, trainers… all have stories that illustrate how the Art of Dynamic Competence works. We welcome you to explore these possibilities with us.
Categories: Education
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